Do not sleep more than 30 minutes a day, doctors warned, said – if you sleep more, the heart will stop working

Do not sleep more than 30 minutes a day, doctors warned, said – if you sleep more, the heart will stop working

Doctors usually advise heart patients to rest. It is said to walk only in the morning and evening so that the blood circulation is better. It is very important during winters. In summer, the body has to work harder and due to this, the heartbeat becomes faster than normal. In such a situation, the risk of heart attack increases. Now a new warning has come to the fore. Doctors say that if you take a nap for more than 30 minutes while working during the day then it is dangerous. This can cause irregular heartbeat. That means you will have 5 times more risk of heart attack.

According to the Daily Mail report, experts have found that 30 minutes of nap each day increases the risk of irregular heartbeat. More than 40 million people in the world are facing this condition. Such people have 5 times more risk than normal people. Researchers came to this conclusion after analyzing the data of more than 20 thousand people. The heartbeat of these people was not irregular, but as soon as these people were asked to sleep, the heartbeat increased unexpectedly. So much that there was a possibility of heart failure anytime.

Research done by dividing into three groups
The people involved in the research were divided into three groups. First, who never took a nap or sleep during the day. Second, whose members regularly slept at least 30 minutes a day. And third, those who used to complete more than 30 minutes of sleep during the day. Those who napped 30 minutes or more per day had a five times higher risk of heart attack, compared to those who got less daytime sleep. However, those who nap for a few minutes did not see the danger as much.

less sleep means less risk
Doctors told that the ideal nap time in the day is 15 to 30 minutes. Such people had a 56 percent lower risk of developing an irregular heartbeat compared to those who napped for half an hour or more. Dr. Diaz-Gutierrez of Spain’s Juan Ramon Jimenez University Hospital said, research has shown us how seriously sleep is affecting our cardiovascular system. This is the first study of its kind. We should be alert.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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